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Monthly Budget Planner

Straight forward budget planner for a month, broken down into weeks, for you to insert your income and detailed expenditured.



Simple Budget Planner

Simple and quick budget planner, breaking down income into their categories (savings investment, wants, needs, debt) and their percentages.


Budget Calculator

Easy to use and resourceful yearly budget planner and recorder, broken down by monthly detailed income and expenditure, with a ready-to-go summary and analysis.


Income Calculator

Simple calculator for you to look at only your different sources of income.




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First Impressions: Why It’s So Important

If someone was taking a picture of you, would you not smile or at least want it to look good, and have a good angle? You never know what might come out from your first impressions, opportunities or missed chances, but what you can be sure of is that the same person can meet hundreds of other people and generate a myriad of opinions, depending on the time, environment, and context in which they have met you.

More Money to Solve Problems? Why It Does Not Work

"If Only I could earn more money" We all have had that thought, to make life easier and solve problems, but there is a problem with this.

Becoming Rich: New look into Asset vs Liabilities – Part 1

Liabilities hold you down and constrain your financial freedom like chains, while assets have the power to set you free.What You May Already Know: Understanding Assets and Liabilities In the realm of personal finance, two fundamental concepts that form the cornerstone...

Wealth Distribution: The 80/20 Rule

20% of the people make 80% of the money. Find out why.

Opportunities – You Must See Things This Way

Discover the power of the abundance mindset through our insightful guide. Learn how early literacy skills, like understanding the alphabet, parallel the adult journey of mastering complex tasks, be it analyzing stock markets or playing musical instruments. Uncover how shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset can transform your perspective. We explore real-world examples, from the intricate ownerships within a shopping center to the global dependencies of a mining operation. Understand how seeing opportunities in everyday scenarios can lead to career success and personal fulfilment. Dive into our article to embrace an abundance mindset and find inspiration in the world around you.

Why Are You A Certain Way? Hidden Truths Simplified

People live their whole lives frustrated about something they may have not ever understood completely, in them but also in others. Find out ways to address it.



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