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Blog: Opportunities – You Must See Things This Way

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Original Blog: Opportunities – You Must See Things This Way


  • The blog equates learning the alphabet in childhood with mastering complex skills in adulthood.
  • It explores the "Abundance Mindset", encouraging you to adopt it focusing on growth and possibilities.
  • The blog highlights the need to overcome a scarcity mindset that overlooks opportunities.
  • There is an emphasis on recognizing potential opportunities in everyday life through an abundance mindset.

    There are multiple visual examples within the blog that you should check out!

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Posts: 28
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Joined: 1 year ago

This mindset made me always optimistic. Because if a door was shut, I would always see another, there was at least 1 way to overcome hard times. If you made bad decisions, there will be multiple chances for you to make the right ones


There are so many ways to become happy, so many things to engage in, so many people who are nice and you’ll connect with 

And when it comes to growth. There are so many things you can learn and do. Einstein said:


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

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